Sunday, September 21, 2008

Research paper's 1st paragraph

There are very few people who have not seen or at the very least heard of Al Gore's The Convenient Truth. Mr. Gore presents all of these facts to his audience that we are now going through a process known as global warming. Global warming is an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect. With Mr. Gore pointing the blame at the rest of humanity it really makes me question how much he is actually doing to help the environment? Or do those who speak so loudly for those known as the "environmentalists", actually listen to what they themselves preach? It is a shocking truth to know that those who speak the loudest are actually apart of the cause themselves.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Research Blue Print

First, I will start off with picking one of my three topics. Once I've choosen the topic I will then start looking in all available, magazines, books, articles, intenet websites, ect. Once I feel that I have gathered enough information I will sift through all the information that I find good enough to mention. I will then create an outline so it will keep me from straying off of topic too much. Once my outline has been finished I will write my rough draft. After doing so I will print it out and re-read it and look for any errors I may have made. Once I'm done I'll hand it to someone else to make sure that I have not missed any errors. Once all the corrections are made I will print out my final draft.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Within the last couple of years there have been many organizations started on improving our environment. I believe it all started with Al Gore's "The Convienent Truth" documentary, because I know that's when I started to open my eyes to it. I've become very interested in the orginazion known as green. So for my research topics it's no surprise that I choose these three:

1. Air Pollution
When did this become an issue?
How threatening is it?
What can we do to stop it?

2. Alternative Energy Sources
What are they?
Why are they needed?
Do/Can they really help?

3. Green PartyWhat is it?
Who started it?
When did it start?
Who is in it?


At some point in your life, you're going to want to get some kind of "the way we were" formal portrait.
I. Crucial Elements
A. Eye's
B. Mouth
II. Lighting
A. Show every feature of the face
III. Posing
A. Never shoot straight on
1. This looks like a mug-shot
B. Quarter angle
1. Most natural
2. Head slightly inclined
C. Never shoot the whole body
D. Don't cut off noticeable points
1. Shoulders, elbows, waist, or knees
2. This suggests continutation